folk society

folk society
соц. народное [традиционное\] общество, община (идеальный тип примитивного общества у Р. Редфильда; небольшая группа, изолированная и экономически независимая от другого мира, связанная общими узами родства и общими стабильными ценностями; соответствует типу Gemeinschaft у Ф. Тенниса)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "folk society" в других словарях:

  • folk society — Sociol. an often small, homogeneous, and isolated community or society functioning chiefly through primary contacts and strongly attached to its traditional ways of living. * * * ▪ sociology       an ideal type or concept of society that is… …   Universalium

  • folk society — noun : a usually small isolated illiterate society characterized as homogeneous in cultural tradition, as having a sacred rather than secular orientation, and as possessing a high degree of internal integration and group solidarity contrasted… …   Useful english dictionary

  • folk society — An ideal type referring to ‘primitive’ agrarian societies in all historical periods which, it is assumed, have none of the economic or socio cultural characteristics of ‘modern’ urban industrial societies. The concept is often criticized on… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Shetland Folk Society — The Shetland Folk Society was created in 1945 as a heritage group, to gather, record and support all aspects of Shetland s cultural history. The first president was T. A. Robertson (Vagaland), who served until his death in 1973, after which John… …   Wikipedia

  • folk-urban continuum — A concept relating to the transition from rural to urban societies. Investigation of the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of individual societies allows them to be positioned at different points along an evolutionary path. See also… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • folk dance — folk dancer. folk dancing. 1. a dance that originated among, and has been transmitted through, the common people. Cf. court dance. 2. a piece of music for such a dance. [1905 10] * * * Dance that has developed without a choreographer and that… …   Universalium

  • Folk music — Folk song redirects here. For other uses, see Folk song (disambiguation). Folk music Béla Bartók recording Slovak peasant singers in 1908 Traditions List of folk music traditions …   Wikipedia

  • SOCIETY FOR JEWISH FOLK MUSIC — SOCIETY FOR JEWISH FOLK MUSIC, society founded in St. Petersburg in November 1908 by a group of Jewish students at the conservatory there and their friends, among them solomon rosowsky , lazare saminsky , A. Zhitomirsky, and A. Niezwicski… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • folk art — folk art, adj. folk artist. artistic works, as paintings, sculpture, basketry, and utensils, produced typically in cultural isolation by untrained often anonymous artists or by artisans of varying degrees of skill and marked by such attributes as …   Universalium

  • Folk art — describes a wide range of objects that reflect the craft traditions and traditional social values of various social groups. Folk art is generally produced by people who have little or no academic artistic training, nor a desire to emulate fine… …   Wikipedia

  • Folk dance — is a term used to describe a large number of dances, mostly of European origin, that tend to share the following attributes:* originally danced in about the 19th century or earlier (or are, in any case, not copyrighted); * performance is… …   Wikipedia

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